Scandalous Facts About Antony ArmstrongJones, The Earl Of Snowdon

Unraveling The Truth: Antony Armstrong-Jones And The Rumors Of Infidelity

Scandalous Facts About Antony ArmstrongJones, The Earl Of Snowdon

Unfaithfulness and the Life of Antony Armstrong-Jones

Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon, was a British photographer and filmmaker. He was married to Princess Margaret, the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II, from 1960 to 1978. Their marriage was often plagued by rumours of infidelity on both sides, and they eventually divorced in 1978.

There is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret. However, there is certainly evidence to suggest that he may have been. In his biography of Armstrong-Jones, author Anne de Courcy claims that he had affairs with several women, including Lady Jacqueline Rufus-Isaacs and Lady Elizabeth Cavendish. Additionally, Armstrong-Jones himself admitted to having "indiscretions" during his marriage.

Whether or not Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful, it is clear that his marriage to Princess Margaret was a difficult one. The two were often apart due to their different work schedules, and they had very different personalities. Margaret was known for her quick temper and sharp wit, while Armstrong-Jones was more reserved and private.

Despite the challenges, the couple did have some happy times together. They had two children, David and Sarah, and they shared a love of the arts. However, their marriage was ultimately doomed by their inability to overcome their differences.

Antony Armstrong-Jones

Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon, was a British photographer and filmmaker. He was married to Princess Margaret, the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II, from 1960 to 1978. Their marriage was often plagued by rumours of infidelity on both sides, and they eventually divorced in 1978.

While there is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret, there is certainly evidence to suggest that he may have been. In his biography of Armstrong-Jones, author Anne de Courcy claims that he had affairs with several women, including Lady Jacqueline Rufus-Isaacs and Lady Elizabeth Cavendish. Additionally, Armstrong-Jones himself admitted to having "indiscretions" during his marriage.

The following are ten key aspects to consider when exploring the question of whether or not Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful:

  • Marriage: Armstrong-Jones was married to Princess Margaret from 1960 to 1978.
  • Infidelity: There is evidence to suggest that Armstrong-Jones may have been unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret.
  • Rumours: Rumours of infidelity plagued the couple's marriage from the beginning.
  • Indiscretions: Armstrong-Jones himself admitted to having "indiscretions" during his marriage.
  • Divorce: The couple divorced in 1978, after 18 years of marriage.
  • Children: Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret had two children, David and Sarah.
  • Privacy: Armstrong-Jones was a private person, and he never publicly discussed his marriage or his alleged infidelities.
  • Speculation: The question of whether or not Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful is still a matter of speculation.
  • Evidence: The evidence that exists to suggest that Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful is circumstantial.
  • Denial: Armstrong-Jones never publicly denied the rumours of infidelity.

In conclusion, the question of whether or not Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret is a complex one. There is evidence to suggest that he may have been, but there is also no definitive proof. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they believe.

Name Birth Death Occupation
Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon 7 March 1930 13 January 2017 Photographer, filmmaker


Antony Armstrong-Jones's marriage to Princess Margaret was a significant factor in his life and likely played a role in the rumours of infidelity that plagued their relationship. Princess Margaret was a member of the British royal family, and her marriage to Armstrong-Jones was a major social event. The couple was constantly in the public eye, and their every move was scrutinized by the media.

  • The pressures of royal life: Being married to a member of the royal family can be incredibly stressful and demanding. The couple was constantly in the public eye, and their every move was scrutinized by the media. This pressure may have contributed to Armstrong-Jones's alleged infidelities.
  • The age difference: Armstrong-Jones was 16 years older than Princess Margaret. This age difference may have contributed to the couple's different interests and lifestyles, which may have led to infidelity.
  • The couple's different personalities: Armstrong-Jones was a private person, while Princess Margaret was more outgoing and sociable. These different personalities may have led to conflict and infidelity.
  • The lack of a prenuptial agreement: The couple did not have a prenuptial agreement, which may have made Armstrong-Jones more likely to be unfaithful. If he had known that he would not have to pay alimony or child support if they divorced, he may have been more likely to take risks.

It is important to note that these are just some of the possible factors that may have contributed to Armstrong-Jones's alleged infidelity. There is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not he was unfaithful, but these factors provide some context for understanding the rumours that plagued his marriage.


The question of whether or not Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret is a complex one. There is evidence to suggest that he may have been, but there is also no definitive proof. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they believe.

Some of the evidence that suggests that Armstrong-Jones may have been unfaithful includes:

  • Rumours: Rumours of infidelity plagued the couple's marriage from the beginning.
  • Indiscretions: Armstrong-Jones himself admitted to having "indiscretions" during his marriage.
  • Circumstantial evidence: There is circumstantial evidence to suggest that Armstrong-Jones may have had affairs with other women.

However, it is important to note that this evidence is not conclusive. Armstrong-Jones never publicly admitted to having an affair, and there is no definitive proof that he was unfaithful. Ultimately, the question of whether or not he was unfaithful is a matter of speculation.

Despite the lack of definitive proof, the rumours of infidelity have had a significant impact on Armstrong-Jones's legacy. He is often remembered as a womanizer and a philanderer. However, it is important to remember that these are just rumours, and that there is no definitive proof that he was unfaithful. Armstrong-Jones was a complex and flawed individual, and his personal life should not overshadow his many achievements.


The rumours of infidelity that plagued Antony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret's marriage from the beginning played a significant role in the eventual breakdown of their relationship. The constant speculation and media scrutiny took a toll on the couple, and it is likely that the rumours contributed to the trust issues that ultimately led to their divorce.

There are a number of reasons why the rumours of infidelity were so damaging to the couple's marriage. First, they undermined trust. When one partner believes that the other is unfaithful, it can be very difficult to rebuild that trust. Second, the rumours created a sense of insecurity. Armstrong-Jones may have felt that he had to constantly prove his loyalty to Margaret, and Margaret may have felt that she could never be sure whether or not he was being faithful. Third, the rumours damaged the couple's reputation. They were both public figures, and the rumours of infidelity made them the subject of ridicule and gossip.

The rumours of infidelity also had a negative impact on Armstrong-Jones's career. He was a successful photographer, but the rumours of infidelity damaged his reputation and made it difficult for him to get work. In addition, the rumours caused him a great deal of personal pain. He was a sensitive man, and the constant speculation about his private life took a toll on his mental health.

The case of Antony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret is a reminder of the damage that rumours can do to a relationship. Rumours can be spread quickly and easily, and they can have a devastating impact on the lives of those involved. It is important to remember that rumours are often based on nothing more than speculation, and that they should not be taken as fact.


Antony Armstrong-Jones's admission that he had "indiscretions" during his marriage to Princess Margaret is a significant piece of evidence that suggests he may have been unfaithful. However, it is important to note that Armstrong-Jones never publicly admitted to having an affair, and there is no definitive proof that he was unfaithful. Ultimately, the question of whether or not he was unfaithful is a matter of speculation.

  • Armstrong-Jones's definition of "indiscretions" is unclear. He may have been referring to minor flirtations or emotional affairs, or he may have been referring to full-blown sexual relationships. Without a clear definition, it is difficult to say what Armstrong-Jones's admission actually means.
  • Armstrong-Jones may have been exaggerating the extent of his infidelity. He may have been trying to make himself look more interesting or to deflect attention from other problems in his marriage. It is also possible that Armstrong-Jones was simply being honest about his infidelity, but it is difficult to know for sure.
  • Armstrong-Jones's admission of infidelity may have been a way of trying to salvage his marriage. He may have been hoping that by admitting to his infidelity, he could show Margaret that he was sorry and that he was committed to their marriage. However, it is also possible that Armstrong-Jones's admission actually made things worse and contributed to the breakdown of his marriage.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful is a complex one. There is evidence to suggest that he may have been, but there is also no definitive proof. Armstrong-Jones's admission of "indiscretions" is a significant piece of evidence, but it is important to consider the context of his admission and the other factors that may have contributed to his infidelity.


The divorce of Antony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret in 1978 was a significant event in their lives and in the history of the British royal family. The couple had been married for 18 years, and their divorce was a major scandal at the time. There were many factors that contributed to the breakdown of their marriage, including infidelity, incompatibility, and the pressures of royal life.

  • Infidelity: There is evidence to suggest that Armstrong-Jones may have been unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret. This is one of the most common factors that can lead to divorce, as it can destroy trust and intimacy between partners.
  • Incompatibility: Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret were very different people. Armstrong-Jones was a creative and bohemian artist, while Princess Margaret was more traditional and reserved. Their different personalities and interests may have made it difficult for them to maintain a happy and fulfilling marriage.
  • The pressures of royal life: Being married to a member of the royal family can be incredibly stressful and demanding. The couple was constantly in the public eye, and their every move was scrutinized by the media. This pressure may have contributed to the breakdown of their marriage.

The divorce of Antony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret is a reminder that even the most high-profile and seemingly perfect marriages can end in divorce. Divorce is a complex issue, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, by understanding the factors that can contribute to divorce, we can better understand the challenges that couples face and the importance of open communication, trust, and compatibility in any relationship.


The birth of children can have a significant impact on a marriage. For some couples, children can bring them closer together and strengthen their bond. For other couples, children can put a strain on the relationship and lead to conflict. In the case of Antony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret, the birth of their two children, David and Sarah, may have contributed to the breakdown of their marriage.

There are a number of reasons why the birth of children can put a strain on a marriage. First, children require a great deal of time and attention. This can be difficult for couples who are both working or who have other commitments. Second, children can be expensive. This can put a strain on a couple's finances and lead to arguments about money. Third, children can change the dynamics of a relationship. This can be difficult for couples who are used to a certain way of life.

In the case of Antony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret, the birth of their two children may have put a strain on their marriage for a number of reasons. First, Armstrong-Jones was a successful photographer who traveled frequently for work. This meant that he was often away from home, which may have put a strain on his relationship with Margaret. Second, the couple had different parenting styles. Armstrong-Jones was more relaxed and permissive, while Margaret was more strict and demanding. This difference in parenting styles may have led to conflict between the couple.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not the birth of children contributed to the breakdown of Antony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret's marriage is a complex one. There are a number of factors that may have played a role, and it is difficult to say definitively what caused their marriage to fail.


Antony Armstrong-Jones's privacy is an important factor to consider when exploring the question of whether or not he was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret. Armstrong-Jones was a private person by nature, and he rarely spoke about his personal life in public. This makes it difficult to know for sure whether or not he was unfaithful, as there is no record of him ever admitting to infidelity.

However, there are a number of reasons why Armstrong-Jones's privacy may have contributed to his alleged infidelity. First, his privacy may have made it easier for him to have affairs without being caught. Second, his privacy may have made it more difficult for Princess Margaret to confront him about his alleged infidelity. Third, his privacy may have made it more difficult for the public to hold him accountable for his actions.

It is important to note that privacy is not an excuse for infidelity. However, it is a factor that may have contributed to Armstrong-Jones's alleged infidelity. It is also important to remember that Armstrong-Jones never publicly admitted to infidelity, and that the question of whether or not he was unfaithful is a matter of speculation.

The case of Antony Armstrong-Jones is a reminder that privacy can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, privacy can be important for protecting our personal lives from public scrutiny. On the other hand, privacy can also make it easier for us to engage in unethical or illegal behavior.


The question of whether or not Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret is a matter of speculation. There is no definitive proof that he was unfaithful, but there is also no definitive proof that he was not unfaithful. The evidence that exists is circumstantial, and it is up to each individual to decide what they believe.

The speculation surrounding Armstrong-Jones's infidelity has been fueled by a number of factors, including the rumors that plagued his marriage, his own admission of "indiscretions," and the fact that he never publicly denied the rumors of infidelity. However, it is important to remember that speculation is not the same as fact. Just because there is speculation about something does not mean that it is true.

The case of Antony Armstrong-Jones is a reminder that we should be careful about believing everything that we hear. It is important to remember that rumors are often spread without any basis in fact. We should also be careful about making judgments about people based on speculation. Just because someone is accused of something does not mean that they are guilty.


The evidence that exists to suggest that Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret is circumstantial. This means that it is not direct evidence, but rather evidence that indirectly suggests that he may have been unfaithful. Circumstantial evidence can be used to convict someone of a crime, but it is not as strong as direct evidence.

There are a number of pieces of circumstantial evidence that suggest that Armstrong-Jones may have been unfaithful. First, there are the rumors that plagued his marriage. These rumors were widespread and persistent, and they came from a variety of sources. Second, Armstrong-Jones himself admitted to having "indiscretions" during his marriage. While he never admitted to having a full-blown affair, his admission of "indiscretions" suggests that he may have been unfaithful.

The evidence that exists to suggest that Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful is circumstantial, but it is significant. It is important to remember that circumstantial evidence can be used to convict someone of a crime, and it is up to each individual to decide what they believe.

The case of Antony Armstrong-Jones is a reminder that circumstantial evidence can be a powerful tool in proving someone's guilt. It is also a reminder that we should be careful about believing everything that we hear. Just because there is circumstantial evidence to suggest that someone is guilty of a crime does not mean that they are actually guilty.


Antony Armstrong-Jones's denial of the rumours of infidelity is a significant factor to consider when exploring the question of whether or not he was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret. Armstrong-Jones never publicly denied the rumours, which could be interpreted as an admission of guilt. However, it is also possible that Armstrong-Jones simply chose not to dignify the rumours with a response.

  • The importance of denial: Denial can be a powerful tool in protecting one's reputation. By denying the rumours of infidelity, Armstrong-Jones could have hoped to put an end to the speculation and protect his marriage.
  • The risks of denial: Denial can also be risky. If Armstrong-Jones was actually unfaithful, his denial could have made him appear dishonest and untrustworthy.
  • The implications for the rumours: Armstrong-Jones's denial of the rumours does not necessarily mean that he was not unfaithful. It is possible that he was simply trying to protect his reputation or his marriage.
  • The role of public opinion: Armstrong-Jones's decision not to deny the rumours may have been influenced by public opinion. At the time, divorce was still a relatively taboo subject, and Armstrong-Jones may have felt that he could not afford to be seen as unfaithful.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful is a complex one. There is no definitive proof that he was unfaithful, but his denial of the rumours is a significant factor to consider. It is up to each individual to decide what they believe.

FAQs on Antony Armstrong-Jones' Alleged Infidelity

Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon, was a British photographer and filmmaker. He was married to Princess Margaret, the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II, from 1960 to 1978. Their marriage was often plagued by rumours of infidelity, and they eventually divorced in 1978.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Antony Armstrong-Jones' alleged infidelity:

Q1: Is there any definitive proof that Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret?

A1: No, there is no definitive proof that Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret. However, there is some circumstantial evidence that suggests that he may have been.

Q2: What is the circumstantial evidence that suggests that Armstrong-Jones may have been unfaithful?

A2: The circumstantial evidence that suggests that Armstrong-Jones may have been unfaithful includes the rumours that plagued his marriage, his own admission of "indiscretions," and the fact that he never publicly denied the rumours of infidelity.

Q3: Why didn't Armstrong-Jones publicly deny the rumours of infidelity?

A3: There are a number of possible reasons why Armstrong-Jones did not publicly deny the rumours of infidelity. He may have been trying to protect his reputation or his marriage, or he may have simply believed that the rumours were not true.

Q4: What impact did the rumours of infidelity have on Armstrong-Jones' marriage?

A4: The rumours of infidelity had a significant impact on Armstrong-Jones' marriage. They caused a great deal of stress and tension between him and Princess Margaret, and they ultimately contributed to the breakdown of their marriage.

Q5: What are the key takeaways from the rumours of infidelity surrounding Antony Armstrong-Jones?

A5: The key takeaways from the rumours of infidelity surrounding Antony Armstrong-Jones are that rumours can have a significant impact on a marriage, and that it is important to remember that rumours are not always true.

Q6: What is the significance or benefit of exploring the rumours of infidelity surrounding Antony Armstrong-Jones?

A6: Exploring the rumours of infidelity surrounding Antony Armstrong-Jones can help us to understand the impact that rumours can have on a marriage, and it can also help us to remember that rumours are not always true.

Tips for Exploring the Question of Antony Armstrong-Jones' Alleged Infidelity

Exploring the question of Antony Armstrong-Jones' alleged infidelity can be a complex and challenging task. However, by following these tips, you can increase your understanding of the issue and come to a more informed conclusion.

Tip 1: Consider the Evidence

The first step in exploring this question is to consider the evidence. There is no definitive proof that Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful, but there is some circumstantial evidence that suggests that he may have been. This evidence includes the rumours that plagued his marriage, his own admission of "indiscretions," and the fact that he never publicly denied the rumours of infidelity.

Tip 2: Examine the Context

It is important to examine the context of Armstrong-Jones' alleged infidelity. He was married to Princess Margaret, a member of the British royal family. This marriage was under intense public scrutiny, and Armstrong-Jones may have felt pressure to maintain a certain image.

Tip 3: Consider the Impact

The rumours of infidelity had a significant impact on Armstrong-Jones' marriage. They caused a great deal of stress and tension between him and Princess Margaret, and they ultimately contributed to the breakdown of their marriage.

Tip 4: Remember the Rumours Are Not Always True

It is important to remember that rumours are not always true. Just because there are rumours that Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful does not mean that he actually was.

Tip 5: Come to Your Own Conclusion

Ultimately, the question of whether or not Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful is a complex one. There is no easy answer, and it is up to each individual to decide what they believe.

Summary of Key Takeaways

By following these tips, you can increase your understanding of the question of Antony Armstrong-Jones' alleged infidelity. Remember to consider the evidence, examine the context, consider the impact, and remember that rumours are not always true. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they believe.

Transition to the Article's Conclusion

The question of Antony Armstrong-Jones' alleged infidelity is a complex and challenging one. However, by following these tips, you can increase your understanding of the issue and come to a more informed conclusion.


The question of whether or not Antony Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful during his marriage to Princess Margaret is a complex one. There is no definitive answer, but there is some circumstantial evidence that suggests that he may have been. This evidence includes the rumours that plagued his marriage, his own admission of "indiscretions," and the fact that he never publicly denied the rumours of infidelity.

The impact of the rumours of infidelity on Armstrong-Jones' marriage was significant. They caused a great deal of stress and tension between him and Princess Margaret, and they ultimately contributed to the breakdown of their marriage. It is important to remember that rumours are not always true, and that the question of whether or not Armstrong-Jones was unfaithful is ultimately up to each individual to decide.

The case of Antony Armstrong-Jones is a reminder that infidelity can have a devastating impact on a marriage. It can destroy trust, intimacy, and love. If you are struggling with infidelity in your own marriage, it is important to seek professional help. There are many resources available to help you through this difficult time.

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Scandalous Facts About Antony ArmstrongJones, The Earl Of Snowdon
Scandalous Facts About Antony ArmstrongJones, The Earl Of Snowdon
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Princess Margaret and Antony ArmstrongJones's Marriage Timeline
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