'Basketball Wives' Shaquille O'Neal Accepts Blame in His Divorce From

Unveiling The Truth Behind Shaunie O'Neal's Divorce: Surprising Revelations

'Basketball Wives' Shaquille O'Neal Accepts Blame in His Divorce From

Shaunie O'Neal's divorce from Shaquille O'Neal was a highly publicized event that occurred in 2009. The couple had been married for seven years and had four children together. The divorce was reportedly due to irreconcilable differences.

The divorce was a major news story at the time, as Shaquille O'Neal is one of the most famous basketball players in the world. The divorce proceedings were acrimonious, and the couple was involved in a number of legal battles over the division of their assets. The divorce was finally finalized in 2011.

The divorce had a significant impact on both Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie O'Neal. Shaquille O'Neal was ordered to pay Shaunie O'Neal a large sum of money in alimony and child support. Shaunie O'Neal has since remarried and has two more children.

Shaunie O'Neal Divorce

Shaunie O'Neal's divorce from Shaquille O'Neal was a highly publicized event that occurred in 2009. The couple had been married for seven years and had four children together. The divorce was reportedly due to irreconcilable differences.

  • Celebrity: Shaquille O'Neal, Shaunie O'Neal
  • Date of marriage: 2002
  • Date of divorce: 2011
  • Reason for divorce: Irreconcilable differences
  • Number of children: 4
  • Alimony: A large sum of money was ordered to be paid to Shaunie O'Neal
  • Child support: Shaquille O'Neal was ordered to pay child support
  • Remarriage: Shaunie O'Neal has since remarried and has two more children

The divorce had a significant impact on both Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie O'Neal. Shaquille O'Neal was ordered to pay Shaunie O'Neal a large sum of money in alimony and child support. Shaunie O'Neal has since remarried and has two more children.

The divorce of Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie O'Neal is a reminder that even the most high-profile marriages can end in divorce. It is also a reminder that divorce can have a significant impact on both the individuals involved and their children.


Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie O'Neal were married for seven years before divorcing in 2011. The divorce was highly publicized due to Shaquille O'Neal's fame as a basketball player. The couple had four children together.

The divorce was reportedly due to irreconcilable differences. However, there has been speculation that Shaquille O'Neal's infidelity may have played a role in the divorce. In 2009, Shaunie O'Neal filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. The divorce was finalized in 2011.

The divorce had a significant impact on both Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie O'Neal. Shaquille O'Neal was ordered to pay Shaunie O'Neal a large sum of money in alimony and child support. Shaunie O'Neal has since remarried and has two more children.

The divorce of Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie O'Neal is a reminder that even the most high-profile marriages can end in divorce. It is also a reminder that divorce can have a significant impact on both the individuals involved and their children.

Date of marriage

Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie O'Neal were married in 2002. The couple had been dating for several years before they got married. They had four children together.

The date of their marriage is significant because it provides context for their divorce. The couple was married for seven years before they divorced in 2011. This suggests that the marriage was not a long-term success.

There are many factors that can contribute to divorce. In the case of Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie O'Neal, the divorce was reportedly due to irreconcilable differences. However, there has been speculation that Shaquille O'Neal's infidelity may have played a role in the divorce.

The divorce of Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie O'Neal is a reminder that even the most high-profile marriages can end in divorce. It is also a reminder that divorce can have a significant impact on both the individuals involved and their children.

Date of divorce

The date of Shaunie O'Neal and Shaquille O'Neal's divorce, which occurred in 2011, holds significance in understanding the timeline and context of their marriage and its eventual dissolution. This date serves as a reference point for examining the events leading up to the divorce, as well as its impact on both parties.

  • Timing of the divorce: The divorce occurred after seven years of marriage, indicating that the relationship had not been able to overcome the challenges it faced. This relatively short duration of the marriage highlights the challenges faced by high-profile couples in maintaining long-term relationships.
  • Publicity surrounding the divorce: The high-profile nature of Shaquille O'Neal's career as a basketball player meant that the divorce proceedings and its aftermath were subject to intense media scrutiny. This publicity likely added to the stress and emotional toll experienced by both Shaunie and Shaquille during this period.
  • Legal implications: The divorce involved complex legal proceedings, including the division of assets and the determination of child custody and support. The date of the divorce marks the point at which these legal matters were finalized, bringing a sense of closure to this aspect of the couple's relationship.
  • Impact on the family: The divorce had a profound impact on the family unit, particularly on the four children shared by Shaunie and Shaquille. The date of the divorce serves as a reminder of the emotional challenges faced by children during and after their parents' separation.

Overall, the date of Shaunie O'Neal and Shaquille O'Neal's divorce in 2011 serves as a significant marker in their lives and in the history of their relationship. It represents the culmination of marital difficulties, the legal resolution of their union, and the beginning of a new chapter for both individuals and their family.

Reason for divorce

In the context of Shaunie O'Neal's divorce from Shaquille O'Neal, the stated reason for the split was "irreconcilable differences". This term is a legal phrase that encompasses a wide range of factors that have led to the breakdown of a marriage. It is often used when the specific reasons for the divorce are complex or difficult to articulate.

In the case of Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal, there has been speculation about the underlying causes of their divorce. Some sources have suggested that Shaquille O'Neal's infidelity may have played a role, while others have cited the pressures of their high-profile lifestyle. However, the couple has never publicly disclosed the specific reasons for their divorce.

Irreconcilable differences can be a challenging basis for divorce, as it can be difficult to prove that the marriage has broken down irretrievably. However, in many cases, it is the most appropriate way to dissolve a marriage that has become unworkable.

Number of children

The number of children involved in a divorce can have a significant impact on the process and its aftermath. In the case of Shaunie O'Neal and Shaquille O'Neal, the couple had four children together. This meant that they had to consider the best interests of their children throughout the divorce process.

  • Custody and visitation: One of the most important issues to consider in any divorce involving children is custody and visitation. The court will need to determine which parent will have primary custody of the children and how much time the other parent will be able to spend with them. In the case of Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal, they were able to come to an agreement on custody and visitation that worked for both of them and their children.
  • Child support: Another important issue to consider in any divorce involving children is child support. The court will need to determine how much child support one parent will need to pay to the other parent. This is based on a number of factors, including the income of each parent and the number of children involved. In the case of Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal, Shaquille was ordered to pay Shaunie a large sum of money in child support.
  • Emotional impact: Divorce can be a very difficult experience for children, especially when there are multiple children involved. It is important for parents to be sensitive to the needs of their children during this time and to do everything they can to minimize the negative impact of the divorce on their children.

The number of children involved in a divorce can have a significant impact on the process and its aftermath. It is important for parents to consider the best interests of their children throughout the divorce process and to make decisions that are in the best interests of their children.


In the divorce proceedings between Shaunie O'Neal and Shaquille O'Neal, the court ordered Shaquille to pay Shaunie a large sum of money in alimony. Alimony is a legal obligation for one spouse to provide financial support to the other spouse after a divorce. It is typically awarded when there is a significant disparity in the incomes of the two spouses and the lower-earning spouse needs financial assistance to maintain their standard of living.

In the case of Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal, the large alimony payment was likely due to the significant difference in their incomes. Shaquille O'Neal is a highly successful basketball player with a net worth of over $400 million, while Shaunie O'Neal is a television personality and businesswoman with a net worth of around $30 million. The alimony payment is intended to ensure that Shaunie O'Neal can maintain a similar standard of living to the one she enjoyed during the marriage.

Alimony can be a controversial issue, with some people arguing that it is unfair to require one spouse to financially support the other spouse after a divorce. However, in cases where there is a significant disparity in incomes, alimony can be an important way to ensure that both spouses are able to maintain a reasonable standard of living after the divorce.

The large alimony payment in the Shaunie O'Neal and Shaquille O'Neal divorce case highlights the importance of considering the financial needs of both spouses when determining alimony. It is also a reminder that divorce can have a significant financial impact on both spouses, and it is important to seek legal advice to ensure that your financial interests are protected.

Child support

In the context of Shaunie O'Neal and Shaquille O'Neal's divorce, the court ordered Shaquille to pay child support. Child support is a legal obligation for a parent to provide financial support to their child after a divorce or separation. It is typically awarded to the parent who has primary custody of the child.

In the case of Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal, Shaunie was awarded primary custody of their four children. As a result, Shaquille was ordered to pay child support to Shaunie. The amount of child support was determined by the court based on a number of factors, including Shaquille's income and the needs of the children.

Child support is an important part of any divorce involving children. It ensures that both parents are financially responsible for the care and upbringing of their children. In the case of Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal, the child support payments will help to ensure that their children have a stable and comfortable life.

The importance of child support cannot be overstated. It is a vital way to ensure that children are not financially disadvantaged as a result of their parents' divorce.


Shaunie O'Neal's remarriage and subsequent birth of two more children hold significance in the context of her divorce from Shaquille O'Neal. This facet sheds light on the personal and familial aspects of the divorce's aftermath.

  • Moving Forward: Shaunie O'Neal's remarriage represents a new chapter in her life, demonstrating her resilience and ability to find happiness after divorce. It highlights the possibility of personal growth and fulfillment following the dissolution of a marriage.
  • Expanded Family: The birth of Shaunie O'Neal's two children with her new partner has expanded her family and brought new joys and responsibilities. This facet emphasizes the evolving nature of family structures and the capacity for love and connection beyond traditional marital boundaries.
  • Co-Parenting: Shaunie O'Neal's remarriage and the addition of more children to her family introduce complexities to the co-parenting dynamic with Shaquille O'Neal. It requires open communication, cooperation, and a shared commitment to prioritizing the well-being of the children involved.
  • Public Scrutiny: As a public figure, Shaunie O'Neal's remarriage and the birth of her children have been subject to media attention and speculation. This facet highlights the challenges of navigating personal life transitions while in the public eye.

In conclusion, Shaunie O'Neal's remarriage and the addition of two more children to her family demonstrate the multifaceted nature of divorce and its aftermath. It speaks to resilience, personal growth, and the complexities of family dynamics. These aspects contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the "shaunie o neal divorce" narrative, showcasing the emotional, familial, and social dimensions that extend beyond the legal dissolution of a marriage.

Frequently Asked Questions about Shaunie O'Neal's Divorce

The divorce of Shaunie O'Neal from Shaquille O'Neal was a highly publicized event that has been the subject of much speculation and discussion. This FAQ section aims to provide accurate and informative answers to some of the most common questions surrounding the divorce.

Question 1: What were the reasons behind Shaunie O'Neal's divorce from Shaquille O'Neal?

Answer: The specific reasons for the divorce have not been publicly disclosed by Shaunie or Shaquille O'Neal. However, it has been reported that the couple had been experiencing marital problems for some time prior to the divorce.

Question 2: How many children do Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal have together?

Answer: Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal have four children together: Shareef, Amirah, Shaqir, and Me'arah.

Question 3: Who was awarded primary custody of the children after the divorce?

Answer: Shaunie O'Neal was awarded primary custody of the children after the divorce.

Question 4: Was there a prenuptial agreement in place between Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal?

Answer: The existence of a prenuptial agreement between Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal has not been publicly confirmed.

Question 5: What was the financial settlement in the divorce?

Answer: The financial settlement in the divorce has not been publicly disclosed.

Question 6: Has Shaunie O'Neal remarried since the divorce?

Answer: Yes, Shaunie O'Neal remarried in 2019 to Pastor Keion Henderson.

These are just a few of the most common questions about Shaunie O'Neal's divorce from Shaquille O'Neal. For more information, please consult reputable news sources or legal professionals.

It is important to note that divorce is a complex and personal matter, and the specific circumstances of each divorce are unique. If you are considering divorce, it is important to seek professional legal advice to ensure that your rights are protected.

Tips Related to "Shaunie O'Neal Divorce"

Divorce is a complex and challenging process, and it is important to approach it with careful consideration and planning. Here are some tips that may be helpful for those who are going through a divorce:

Tip 1: Seek professional legal advice.
A divorce lawyer can provide guidance and support throughout the divorce process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you are treated fairly.Tip 2: Focus on the best interests of your children.
If you have children, it is important to prioritize their well-being during and after the divorce. This may involve creating a parenting plan that outlines custody and visitation arrangements.Tip 3: Be prepared for financial changes.
Divorce can have a significant impact on your financial situation, so it is important to be prepared for changes in your income and expenses. This may involve creating a budget and seeking financial advice if necessary.Tip 4: Take care of your emotional health.
Divorce can be an emotionally challenging process, so it is important to take care of your mental health. This may involve seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist.Tip 5: Allow yourself time to heal.
Divorce takes time to process, so it is important to allow yourself time to grieve the loss of your marriage. Do not rush into new relationships or make major life decisions until you are ready.Tip 6: Learn from your experience.
Divorce can be a learning experience, so take some time to reflect on what went wrong in your marriage. This can help you avoid similar problems in the future.Tip 7: Seek support from others.
There are many resources available to help people who are going through a divorce. This includes support groups, online forums, and counseling services.Tip 8: Be patient and persistent.
Divorce can be a long and difficult process, but it is important to be patient and persistent. With time and effort, you can get through this challenging time and move on to a brighter future.

Remember, divorce is a personal and unique experience, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It is important to tailor your approach to your own individual circumstances and needs.

If you are considering divorce, it is important to seek professional legal advice to ensure that your rights are protected.


Shaunie O'Neal's divorce from Shaquille O'Neal was a highly publicized event that has been the subject of much speculation and discussion. This article has explored the various aspects of the divorce, including the reasons behind it, the financial settlement, and the impact on the couple's children.

Divorce is a complex and challenging process, and it is important to approach it with careful consideration and planning. If you are considering divorce, it is important to seek professional legal advice to ensure that your rights are protected.

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